API Endpoints
The following API endpoints are crucial for integrating with the GoKart Offer Wall:
1. Get List of Offers
Publishers should use this endpoint to get a list of offers. You can use various pub_* parameters to filter the offers according to specific criteria.
Endpoint: GET /api/v1/offer-wall/offers
Example Request:
GET /api/v1/offer-wall/offers?pub_member_id=2173&pub_age=25&pub_geo_country=US
This request will return a list of offers filtered by pub_age, and pub_geo_country.
2. Get Offer Details
Publishers should use this endpoint to get details for a specific offer. The offerId parameter is required, and this endpoint creates a view (impression) in GoKart.
Endpoint: GET /api/v1/offer-wall/offer-details
offerId (required): ID of the offer. pub_* parameters (same as used in the offers endpoint). Example Request:
GET /api/v1/offer-wall/offer-details?offerId=abc123&pub_member_id=2173&pub_age=25&pub_geo_country=US
This request will return the details of the offer with ID abc123 and create an impression for it, returning the viewId.
Handling viewId
When a user first opens the offer details, the GoKart API generates a viewId, indicating that the user has seen this offer's details. It is important to store this viewId and send it again in subsequent requests if the user opens the offer details again. One way to store this viewId is to use the sessionStorage of the browser.
Example Storing viewId in sessionStorage:
// Storing viewId after the first request
sessionStorage.setItem('viewId_6bd57ffe-3eda-404c-9c7c-1bd466a18886', '024bc172-f8ed-4ee4-868e-b40bff7f5fcd');
// Retrieving and using viewId for subsequent requests
const viewId = sessionStorage.getItem('viewId_6bd57ffe-3eda-404c-9c7c-1bd466a18886');
3. Get Offer Link
Publishers should use this endpoint to get the link for a specific offer. The offerId and viewId parameters are required.
Endpoint: GET /api/v1/offer-wall/offer-link
offerId (required): ID of the offer. viewId (required): ID of the view. Example Request:
GET /api/v1/offer-wall/offer-link?offerId=abc123&viewId=xyz789&pub_member_id=2173&pub_age=25&pub_geo_country=US
This request will return the offer link for the offer with ID abc123 and view ID xyz789, including all necessary parameters.