GoKart - Documentation
Integration Options

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Liubomyr Maievskyi
Integrating GoKart via an Iframe allows publishers to embed the GoKart Offer Wall directly within their own website. This approach provides a seamless user experience and keeps users on the publisher's site while interacting with offers.

Embedding the Iframe

To embed the GoKart Offer Wall using an Iframe, use the following HTML structure:
<iframe src="https://app.[YOUR_TENANT].getgokart.ai/offer-wall" width="100%" height="600px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Replace [YOUR_TENANT] with your actual tenant identifier.

Using Publisher Parameters (pub_*)

Similar to URL redirection, you can pass various parameters to personalize the offers and facilitate reward distribution.
Example: Passing UserID
You can pass the UserId of your system into the pub_member_id parameter within the IFrame URL.
<iframe src="https://app.[YOUR_TENANT].getgokart.ai/offer-wall?pub_member_id=[USER_ID]" width="100%" height="600px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Using Parameters for Reward Distribution

Once the user interacts with the offers and completes conversions, GoKart can send a ConversionCallback to the publisher's system. This callback can include the pub_member_id parameter, allowing the publisher to identify and reward the correct user.
Example ConversionCallback URL:
This URL points back to the publisher's system and uses the pub_member_id to identify the user for reward distribution.

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