GoKart - Documentation - Offer Wall Integration
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The GoKart API uses pagination to efficiently manage and deliver large sets of data in smaller, more manageable portions. Instead of returning all records at once, paginated responses break the data into "pages" that contain a specified number of items. Clients can request specific pages of data and control how many items are returned per page by using the page and page_size query parameters.

Pagination Parameters

page (integer, query parameter)
Description: Specifies the page number of the results to retrieve. It represents which "slice" of data you want from the entire result set.
Type: integer($int32)
Required: No
Default: 0
?page=0 (returns the first page of results)
?page=1 (returns the second page of results)
Notes: The page number should be a positive integer. If no value is provided, the first page will be returned by default.
page_size (integer, query parameter)
Description: Defines the number of results to return per page. This controls the size of each page.
Type: integer($int32)
Required: No
Default: 10
Maximum Value: 100
?page_size=10 (returns 10 items per page)
?page_size=50 (returns 50 items per page)
Notes: The page size should be a positive integer. If not provided, the default page size is 10 items. The maximum allowed value is 100 items per page.
GET https://api.brownboots.getgokart.ai/api/v1/offer-wall/offers?page=0&page_size=10

Example JSON Response

"indexFrom": 0,
"pageIndex": 0,
"pageSize": 10,
"totalCount": 160,
"totalPages": 16,
"items": [...],
"hasPreviousPage": false,
"hasNextPage": true
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